Well cynthetiq, me personally will not demand more services or programs from the govt. I am from the belief that if i.e.: I eat like a pig, get fat and then get diabetes, or smoke and then get lung cancer, it is my fault and I, and ONLY I should pay for it. It is time people across the country take responsibilty for the actions and stop blaming others and asking for handouts from the govt.
So I say that those who go ahead and get lung cancer and then sue the tobacco company DO NOT represent me, but unfortunately this is a big group think and many many people are a part of this erroneous line of thinking, that what we do to ourselves is somehow the fault of others.
I want less programs, services, taxes and stronghold from our govt. and more personal responsibilty for our actions. Stop collecting my money to pay for services like medicare because some jerk off spent his or her money frivolously and can't afford to buyt aspirin. If he spent his money on wide-screen tvs and herion, never saved, how does that mean that I should pay for his shit-ass.
I am not harping on you C, just venting.
That is my 2 cents.