-Sensitivity: girls always want guys to be sensitive, yet when you find a sensitive guy, you're not sensitive back, infact commonly the opposite.
-expectation that when you break up with a guy that he immediately lose all feelings for you. (which has been too common in my experience)
-inability to make a decision: last time i had a fight with my girlfriend i talked to a friend (my ex) about it... the conversation was as such:
"i don't have any idea what the hell is wrong with her... she said a bunch of stuff about how she 'could never love me as much as i love her'.. but i don't expect anything from her"
"that's what makes it harder"
"she needs to know what you want?"
"what am i supposed to tell her how to feel?!"
In the end we are but wisps
Last edited by ManWithAPlan; 07-30-2004 at 06:33 AM..