coming from someone who loves gaming and works part time in a game store, just for the discount and game check-out policy....
The general public seems to be caught up in the PS2 mystique, the X-box is a definite second place, and the GC is a distant third (based strictly on the sales of games and systems).
To put it in terms of %---about 50% of sales are PS items, 30-35% X-Box, and the other 15-20% would be Nintendo sales. Most of the people who buy each kind are die-hard fans for each of the systems they own. If you want true advice, find someone who owns all three and ask them for their honest opinion.
They will probably tell you that each system is very good and has its own +'s and -'s. Each has games that are only available for that system and a person should look at what types of games they like to decide what they want to buy. Personally, I currently have an X-box, but my PS2 and GC is always available (I gave them to my brother and nephew) whenever a particular game I want to play comes out!!!