I expect that part of the task of managing a country in times of peace and especially in times of war war involves management of the news as possible. I also expect that the top officer in charge of leadership during wartime - in our case, the Commander in Chief - would see it as a strategic imperative to be reelected.
That's how I look at things. As you know, I trust the US Government - no matter what party is in power, because it has earned that trust in countless many more ways than it has betrayed it. You may also know that, as a mere citizen who has a job description that does not include security clearances or running the country, I do not expect that my government tell me things. In fact, I expect it not to. I also expect it to attempt to manage the news in what it considers the best interests of the nation.
I understand this rubs many of you the wrong way. Many citizens believe the government should be vulnerably transparent and that citizens have the right to know its most important information. Many people also believe that it is acceptable to live in a world where every piece of information is managed by some individual or organization (as it is now) - except the government.
Personally, I prefer to have the government compete at least equally in managing the news.
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