Originally posted by wilbjammin
Severe cognitive dissonance seems to be a rule more than an exception these days.
Strike "these days" from that sentence. Rationalization is the fundamental expression of 99% of human existence. I'd say there are only VERY rare moments when we're not explaining or excusing or justifying ourselves to ourselves.
Here's the thing, though: treating it like a problem is just MORE rationalization. Why do I have problems in my life? Why do I fail to understand myself, repeat destructive patterns over and over again? Oh, it's because I rationalize. That's why! Okay, well now I know that, I can quit looking there...
Any conversation about this has to be grounded in the principle that this sort of self-deception is normal, fine, and
not a problem. 6.8 Billion people operate this way and lead perfectly fine lives.
The only thing is, the general experience of those lives is one of a lack of satisfaction and fulfillment. The continual hum-and-buzz of us justifying and rationalizing ourselves to ourselves utterly keeps from Being Here Now. Any accomplishment is explained away, any failure either brushed under the rug or magnified into a crushing burden.
And that's FINE. We all do it! Every last one of us! It's not a problem, it's just how we're wired!
Thing is, something entirely different becomes possible when you can actually
own that you do that. If you can hear yourself rationalizing and interrupt it in the moment, suddenly the chorus in each of our heads shuts up for a split second, and in that second who we actually
are emerges. And in that space, we can make choices for our lives that are extraordinarily powerful. Anything is possible in that moment. Anything.
This got a little esoteric. Sorry for that.