I am a long-time Kerry supporter and I have never really cared for President Bush, so the issue is easy for me. Why do I support Kerry? I believe he is a strong, ethical leader who studies issues and makes informed decisions. He has strong convictions about environmental and energy policies, realizing that protecting our environment and working to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels is good for America, our economy as well as the pursuit of happiness. He understands that the lack of affordable health care in this country is a long-term drain on our economy and is something that we, as the wealthiest nation in the world, should be able to provide. He also will allow the federal government to negotiate with Drug Companies to get lower prices on prescription drugs and will allow for government funding for embryotic stem-cell research. Kerry understands that we live in a global economy and that our relationships with the international community, is vitally important to our personal and economic security. The Senator believes that the current tax structure is not going to create long- term prosperity for the lower and middle classes. Finally, I believe he will be a strong Commander-in-Chief. Regardless of the propaganda about his cutting defense programs, his record on supporting a strong military and smart foreign policy is long and well documented (just ask John McCain: “No, I do not believe that he is, quote, weak on defense. He's responsible for his voting record, as we are all responsible for our records, and he'll have to explain it. But, no, I do not believe that he is necessarily weak on defense.” and see this site:
http://slate.msn.com/id/2096127/ ).
I will once again encourage those who are unsure about Senator Kerry to do your due diligence and study his record. I think you will find it to be much different than the “Flip-Flopping Ultra-Liberal” the Bush Campaign has painted him to be.