Maybe I'm the only guy here with actual thermite experience, so I feel compelled to tell you two properties of the chemical that I have learned through experience.
1) It isn't easy to make.
The process isn't simply: "Put rush and aluminum in a dish." It's a fairly complicated recipe involving baking the mixture at a very high temperature (beyond what your average home oven might acheive).
2) It's not explosive.
Thermite is very hot and burns furiously, but it does, surprisingly, need a substantial ignitor. Moreover, when the thermite reaction does take place, it burns, brightly and hotly like a road-flare. There is no explosion.
I simply can't imagine the quantities that would be needed to vaporize, or even cut, your average 2 lane highway bridge. You would need several hundred pounds of thermite, at a minimum, to make even one straight-line cut through the bridge. Concrete and steel are fairly tough substances to vaporize (burn).