sailor, I am encouraged by your successful example!
hrdwareguy, it's win2k pro.
cJoe, yeah, I know about the OS partition -- I did it on my last HD. But I got tired of programs that force an install on the C: drive(GOD THAT MAKES ME SO CRAZY!! LAZY ASS PROGRAMMERS) and so i said fuck it, they can have it all.
My stuff should come in this weekend, but I can't put it in until next weekend because I've got a software project that has to be delivered for a meeting next Thursday, and I can't risk messing around with a bad MB or what have you until then.

In that time I'll start filling data cds with crucial info and mapping out my reinstall. Plus I have 23 gigs on the other(networked) machine into which to cram data. Still, I
just reformatted a few months ago. I hate this computer.