I wasn't trying to say that "you" were like that Manwithaplan. Sorry I read what I wrote and it seems that way.
I meant that all guys are like that.
Bringing in a completely assinine response about screwing my sister is not gonna help your case, unless your trying to make it look like your grabbing at straws here.
Put yourself into this situation:
Your in a club, there is a female you find attractive at the bar, you chill for a bit scoping out the situation, then you go talk to her.
Are you gonna be trying to find out where her first family settlers of USA came from? Or you trying to figure out if the drapes matchthe curtains?
Now, your with this chick, and another girl comes in... She's even more attractive than the first! She sits beside you and starts chatting it up. Then she says Hey, wanna go to my house?
"No Thanks I'm gonna go watch a movie and read a nice book tonight." .....? I don't think so.
To make it more complicated, you could add in less attractive women, that chances are you won't give a second glance the second they walk into the door. Because they are lower on the list that you have.
Would you walk up to a ugly girl and be like hey how are you? Doubtful... would you walk up to a drop dead gorgeous girl? Chances are yes. And its not because you think her personality is better.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.