For music playback, I've always heard that foobar2000 is by far the most efficient program.
That is my first and last choice for audio playback on my main system; the win2k crashbox is another story as it has at least 10 players for various testing purposes. FB2k has full support for a wide range of codecs (Ape/Flac/Shorten/Wavpack/MPC/Ogg-Vorbis/MP3/just to name a few)* either 'out of the box' or by adding one .dll file.
Of course it also has a very customisable interface, powerful masstager, full featured diskwriter, and others thing that I love about it.
*this is an especially important point for me as I have a decent amount of audio files in all of those codecs, and others not listed above.
I would suggest running on win2k rather than winXP as that has almost no craptacular worthless eye candy to disable like XP.