Heard one of the commanders of one of the other boats on the radio today in Boston. He was talking about what really happened in the Rassmusen incident that John put himself in for medals for.
What happened was there was several boats, they took some minor fire, and one of the boats hit a mine. Kerry's boat beatfeet out of there real quick. the others stayed to fish everyone out of the water. When he realized that he was the only who had left, he turned around and went back. There was one survirvor still left in the water. Kerry pulled him out, but was not wounded as his side of the story would leave you to believe.
Another thing that was brought up, was that Kerry was very protective of his own crew.(That might be why they are with him now and no one else is)
Also, the story of him wanting out after 3 purple hearts was not true. When his commander realized he had 3 purple hearts, he sent him back to the states to get rid of him.
Not sure of who was the speaker, but he was from the swift boat veterans and was on todays Pat Whitley show on WRKO in Boston, and he was a commander of one of the other boats.