Originally posted by phredgreen
okay... i've been sitting on this for too long, so just kick me in the head after giving me the answer.
i did my taxes through hrblock(head)'s online dealie, but because of my filing status, married filing separately, they didn't allow it to e-file. instead, the had me print out the pre-filled forms and mail those in, along with w2's. get a letter a month or two ago from the irs, stating that i owed, instead of getting a refind as hrblock had led me to expect. the reason? even though i specified and hrblock marked the paperwork as married, filing separately, they still checked off my (now ex) wife as a decuction (which the nice lady at the irs said is a big no-no). as of right now, i owe the irs about 270 dollars, but what recourse do i have against hrblock for misleading me with incorrect paperwork from the get-go?
From what I understand, you did the taxes with H&R's software, printed out the returns, and mailed them in yourself.
You can call and hollar, but you won't get very far. They might offer to do next year's for free. They would argue that although it was through their software, you were the one inputting the information and should have double-checked it. And besides, you would have owee the $270 whether or not the taxes were filed properly, you just would have needed to pay them earlier.