There were 7 men on Kerry's swift boat. 2 are supporting his bid for candidacy, two are dead and their children are acting in their stead in this smear group and 3 are actually against him. The rest of the men who are in this group never actually served with him, but served above him. i.e career military commanders who didn't see the way he actually commanded his boat.
The guy who started Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman who may have taken great offense to Kerry since he seems to be a primary source of attack in Kerry's historic congressional hearings. Hoffman was well known for being into increasing bodycounts any way possible.
Finally the groups real leader, John O'Neil makes the claim that he was on Kerry's boat, but he was only even on it after Kerry was already gone from Vietnam.
Last edited by Superbelt; 07-28-2004 at 10:35 AM..