The DaVinci Code discussion
Wow -- in my opinion, what a great book!
Points to discuss/ponder:
1. Brown's view on the "sacred feminine." I personally found his view to be very healthy and refreshing. I don't buy into "men and woman are completely equal." We are very different and I celebrate that fact. I feel that Brown did a nice job of pointing out how woman should be honored along with men. Woman and men can complete one another. Our differences should be celebrated and honored.
2. Sex as a sacred act. Although I'm not sure I could participate in a sexual ritual such as the one described in the book, the beauty and the eroticism amazed me.
3. Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene. I am anxious now to access copies of DaVinci's works. I want to take a closer look at the "Last Supper" to see if I can see what is described in the book. Brown did a very nice job of convincing me that Mary and Jesus could have absolutely been husband and wife. I've always struggled with traditional Christianity as I believe it is "man made." The idea that Jesus married and had children, that he did not come from a virgin birth, that he was completely human and still "Godly" makes perfect sense to me.
4. Author's craft. I must say that I was completely surprised that Teabing was the conspirator. I enjoyed this twist and give high codos to Brown for doing such a nice job with the "red hearings." I can usually guess the outcome of a mystery or suspense movie/book and was pleasantly pleased to be wrong.
5. Whatever else stood out for you or struck you.
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.