Originally posted by Herk
OK, I'd like to chime in and ask a question! Can I get your shipping address to mail you a trophee? 
No seriously, my wife asked me to take her to a strip club once. While we were there she picked out a dancer said she wanted a couch dance. Next party I watched her go down on another girl. Kicker was I was to hammered to participate.
Anyway, point is it happened and life went on. My wife is a lot cooler now. And I respect her for tryin something new.
What happened happened. If it did harm it did. Though, I doubt it did. Think about the risk benefit factor, but only briefly. Risks - little wierdness for a while. Thats it, you both participated so no faults, just a little wierdness.
Benefits - Seriously... you got a double-headed-head-job. Not to mention, explored something new about all of you, and you aren't even dead or maimed. Sounds like a killer' deal to me.
The reason I was a little worried at first was because of the possibility of weirdness, but thankfully we haven't had any as a result of all this. And yes, I'll take that trophy.
Originally posted by DirtyVegas
welcome to the club 
just keep your mouth shut and go with the flow. My ex gf (of 7 yrs) was quite experimental also. ..it didnt start off that way, but over time and taking "baby steps" about involving others into our relationship, things worked out just fine. She was a stripper and always bringing women home for us to play with, but nothing was said to my friends about what happened behind closed doors....people knew, it just wasnt talked about.
Also, theres nothing wrong with your girlfriend bro, she may be curious, or she might just be going through a phase in her life where she wants to experiment with her sexuality. Its good that you communicate with her VERY openly about situations like that, things can get turned around easily if assumptions are made. Just remember, keep your mouth shut, and go with the flow! good luck brother.
I never said there was anything wrong with her. We've been very open about what happened and everything is cool. Keeping my mouth shut really isn't as hard now as it was right after it happened, so I think I'll be fine in that department as well.