How do I setup a sucessfull budget?
k... just got married and things are ok. We get by, and the husband brings home the brunt of our income. I have been wanting to setup a budget to kinda forecast things to come... he had mentioned that he'd like to get to the point where we are a month ahead on all of our bills, though we're not in a position for that now.. I'd really like to work on it because I don't think it'd be something difficult to acheive over the next 7-8 months.
I go to school and work part-time, and he is currently working full time. I don't want him to feel like I'm taking over the finances, I just want to be able to know what is there, what has been paid, and what's left over.. while also being able to save a bit too. I know we'd both be better off if we could easily setup a budget.
Just hard right now because we are moving into another place.. I just think once we do get into the new place it'd be a good idea to start seeing how much our utilities, rent, food, gas, car insurance, car payments, and everything is together and figure out how to put money aside so we don't have to worry each month about making a payment on time. This is more a problem for me because I'm working part-time and not bringing home more than my own bills every month.. so I'm working on getting another job.
BUT, aside from all of that. I just need advice and am curious as to how we can set up a sucessfull budget to start meeting some of our financial goals?
"Things can only get so bad before they have no choice but to get better.."
Nitz Walsh : It's not fair God. Why am I still a virgin?........ Stupid gnome.