Estimates for cardio effect. 220 minus age, then take 60% to 85% of that number. For example:
Apeman: 27 y.o. estimated max 193
lowest cardio benefit:115.8 bpm
theoretical highest level of cardio:165 bpm
This is to get a cardio workout. Beyond 165, theoretically apeman would then start burning sugar without the benefit of enough oxygen, the result being lactic acid buildup, and then failure of the muscles. However, as apeman increased his cardio conditioning, particularly by staying towards a training HR of 75 to 85%, he would increase his VO2 max, meaning he could deliver more oxygen per heartbeat.
Same max heartrate, more work accomplished.
as far as weight loss, more calories burned is more weight lost. Total calories are the biggest determinant of weight loss. Everything else is way below that in importance.