Partitioned Hard Drive
This may be stupid but i really don't want to screw up anything. I have a second drive on my machine that i moved from my old machine. It is a 60 gb and it was my back up. When i installed it originally i partitioned it so that i could separate my data. When i got my new machine i installed it and copied some of my data over to the main drive before i upgraded my OS to XP pro. When i upgraded i think the OS lost one of the partitions. So instead of a 60gig i only have a 25 gig. Now i know that the OS is using the drive as a place to store the restore backups(cuz i deleted it once and was lucky to get the rig up and running again)
I would like to remove the partition and use the whole drive again but i do not want to screw up the OS. I have a DVD burner and plan on backing up everything on the main drive cuz i am sure that at some point i am gonna format my main drive. I think that if i unplug the drive and reformat my main drive, then i should be able to manipulate the second drive.
Now how exactly do I unpartition that drive? I remember using partition magic to set it up but i no longer have that program and i am not sure if it had a way of removing the partition anyways. I will shut up now but any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance