I commend you for yer patience and keepin yer cool. I'm no macho man myself but I don't know if I coulda done that. I had a similar situation happen to me at Hooters inside the resturant....I was looking at a shirt standing next to (close but not on her) a woman with a man and he pushed me and said "Watch it". I was very pissed. It didn't stop there they sat us at the table next to us and he was giving me ugly looks the whole night....he was apparently blowing smoke over at my friends too cause thats what they said. I also did nothing but for different reasons. He was an old white man and I'm a young mexican boy....best believe if I had done anything he woulda gotten his meal for free and I woulda been taken away in a cop car and banned from Hooters to boot.
Sorry....I had to do it.