not to be a dick, but castex and powercolwn, you are both dead wrong. on a one mile oval the slowest champ car is about 2 seconds faster than the fastest car in the irl.
on a road course like montreal, the slowest f1 car is about 4-6 seconds quicker than the fastest cart car. irl dosent road race so dont try to make a comparison.
f1 cars are much lighter and produce way more downforce. top formula one engins produce over 900bhp, a champ car engine somewhere in the reagon of 7 to 800bhp and the irl less than that...
as for an oval... well, lets just look at the half of the oval that f1 uses at indy... speeds are faster than irl when they break for turn 1....so....
Am I missing something here?
Isn't this what both castex and I said?