Originally posted by bundy
anything starring Adam Sandler.
anything starring Tom Arnold.
anything starring Chris Farly.
anything starring David Spade.
anything starring Shaquille O'Neal.
anything starring any of the Wayans tribe.
anything starring Will Smith.
anything starring Wesley Snipes.
anything starring Jean Claude van Damme.
anything starring Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff, the Rat Twins or any of their Tweenie offsiders.
anything starring Britney Spears.
anything starring Steven Seagal.
if only the money wasted of the combined works of these wankers could have been donated to charity... perhaps the world would be a little better.
Good movies:
Sandler: Punch Drunk Love
Arnold: True Lies
Farley: Wayne's World 2
Spade: PCU
O'Neal: Ummmm, ok, I give in on this one
Wayans: I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
Smith: Six Degrees of Separation
Snipes: Demolition Man
Van Damme: Streetfighter? (Ok, that's a huge stretch)
Tweeners: A yet to be made porn starring them and myself
Spears: Ditto
Seagal: A nuts, that's too hard.