I know I should just let this thread die, but...
2. I read in a book called A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber, something akin to the following: That if you consider the permutation and combination of molecules to form the DNA structure of humans to have occured more or less randomly to find favored combinations for survival, that this process would take something on the order of a 100 billion years, minimum. Our best estimates are that the universe is 13 - 15 billion years old. Thus, there would not have been enough time for a process based on simple random chance to have produced us. I don't say that it's proof, but I think it's an interesting point that there is more going on than meets the analytical, objective eye of "science."
So he is arguing that the only way DNA could possibly be formed is if the exactly right group of molecules happened to bump into each other at the same time and stick together?