Since our Uni(?)verse has up to, or over, 11 dimensions we may not be expanding outward at all. We may be expanding into one of, or more of, these extra-dimensions (Extra to our experience/degrees of freedom; up/down, back/forth, left right, time.) So instead of expanding we may just be coiling into and/or out of ourself (from our perspective). Space-time expanding to us could be our section of 4 dimensional space-time moving into, engulfing, encorporating, or un-encorporating these other dimensions. This process may reverse or may be the cause of a reversal of this effect that has happened in a previous time. (i.e. those dimensions could have been expanding or absorbing us at one point, when here was a bounce-back) It could also be a random oscillation. So our uni(?)verse could be one, possibly of many swirling mass(s) of dimensions that exists in a single higher dimension. These multiverses could all vibrate/oscillate in their own ways to produce something even grander (god), or even US!
How `bout dem apples?
We Must Dissent.