The only times in my history here that I've gotten really pissed at the TFP have had to do with South-bashing. I've mentioned it many times in other threads, but I guarantee you that if a thread came up about something bad happening in the South, at least three ignorant posters would just make a totally irrelevant and meaningless statement that goes something along the lines of "Well hey, it's the South, they're all legally retarded, so we gotta excuse them."
I'm so sorry to some of you who see me bitch about this on a regular basis, but it's my only real grievance with this place and it honestly does offend me. It's like I said in a post in another thread, one of the TFP's main rules is that you should strive not to offend others, this is a safe haven for everyone. Well, that rule just gets completely ignored when it comes to us Southerners, and I just can't make myself understand why that's OK. It's not enough to make me leave, and I guess I really need to stop bitching before I get kicked out, but I just wish I could make some people understand.
Now, there's my preaching for the day. That aside, I love this place, and yes, you will see ignorance in regards to many other topics and discussions, but most of the time they are handled efficiently by the mods or other TFP'ers. And lurkette, I know you've heard it enough already, but I'm not just following the crowd. I look forward to reading your posts everytime I see your screen name. You are one of the people here who I greatly respect, and I really hope that you do stick with us.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons