Originally posted by Robaggio
You're not worried about her "fucking around" beacuse you'd know about it? It seems almost as if you're keeping her in check. Perhaps it is her that needs to have the 'ties cut' as maleficent put it.
No, you people aren't understanding me. This behavior is just in my
nature. And I don't mean untrusting behavior, I mean having all the bases covered. I just like to feel secure and protected in anything. I make backup plans exactly like this one, and that's all it is, a "just-in-case" plan, in virtually
everything I do. Maybe a relationship is the one place where I shouldn't behave this way, but I just do. I trust her completely. I'm not at all worried that she's going to cheat on me, but no one here can argue that anything is always possible, and in the highly unlikely event that that occurs, I would desperately want to know,immediately. That's all I'm saying.
Aside from that, your success story I really appreciate. It makes me feel much more comfortable to hear something like that and I thank you.