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Upstarts & Seniors™
In Upstarts & Seniors, youths and seniors share average education and incomes in business, finance, retail, health, and public service. Preferring to live in condos and apartments, Upstarts & Seniors folks like the Sunbelt and the West.
Dominant Age Group: Under 24, 55+
Housing Type: Renters Multi-Unit 10+
Lifestyle Preferences: Attend live theater
Go to aerobics
Travel to the Caribbean
Have a new car loan
Have department store credit card
Buy a car battery at Sears
Own a Honda
Eat sugar-free yogurt
Own a phone answering machine
Own a station wagon
Watch Entertainment Tonight
Watch This Old House
Read American Health
Read Modern Bride
Socio-Economic Rank: Middle
I don't read Modern Bride, nyeh.
(Alert: Cut & Paste party...put in whatever)