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Old 07-26-2004, 02:22 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally posted by djtestudo

1) How should I go about asking for airtime?

2) How do I go about finding music to play (it's a public station, and I don't know how it works with music there).
Go find the program director and ask to get on the air. This is college so it's not like you have to show experience - this is where you get experience. Be prepared to pitch a show though. When I was program director (god i hated that job) at my college station I never let anyone on the air if all they could say to me is "hey man, can i have a show?" If your college station is anything like mine, they've already got all their DJs for this coming semester, but there's always a few idiots that do something stupid like drinking in the studio or coldcalling people at home and embarassing them on the air. They'll get fired and you might be able to take their slot. Otherwise, there's next semester.

My biggest complaint about my jocks was professionalism. They all had the attitude of "fuckit, it's college, we'll just get on the air and say whatever the hell we want." They'd yammer for 10 minutes between songs, never saying anything, mostly saying "uhhh" and generally making us sound like shit. Don't be like those guys. Be ready, practice what you're gonna say. Do it at home. Load up winamp, get the playlist going, and intro the songs. It's harder than you think it is.

As for finding music to play, college stations work one of three ways. Some of 'em have playlists -they suck because college is your last chance to run YOUR show the way YOU want to run it. Playing other people's music is never as much fun. Some of 'em have no playlists, and you can pick from any CD they have. The best ones have no playlists or CD's. Bring your own and play whatever you want. Those are the FUN shows.
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