When you purchased the software you received the license for the server software itslef, so that's taken care of.
Now you need to purchase the CAL's (Client Access Licenses). Before you go running out and buying CAL's you need to decide if you are going to run in per server or per seat mode.
With only one server it doesn't realy make a difference, however if you plan on adding servers later, it can make a huge difference.
Per server means that every machine that connects to that server has to have a license. If you have one workstation that connects to two servers, then you will need 2 licenses, one for each server.
If however you run in per seat mode, then you need one license for each workstation. Per seat is the cheapest way to go.
When buying your CAL's, make sure you buy licenses for the correct server operating system. Windows 2000 CAL's are not valid with Windows 2003.
With that said, when you purchase CAL's, all you are getting is a piece of paper that says you bought X client licenses. It's not software that you have to install.
Windows does have a license manager that you can use to keep track of this, but it is not required. The license manager can be found in the Admin tools, if you choose to install it. The license manager was such a pile of crap under win2000 I uninstalled it and just went around and manually counted machines.