This doesn't directly answer the original post but...what I think to be one of the main problems regarding descrimination and racism is that...well, at one time, a lot of these that people fight for are very valid fights....but there's a point where the slope begins to even out on the side of the oppressor and the victim but the "victim", in his blind rage, doesn't see this and continues to fight for rights he already has. He keeps calling the opressor on things that were done in the past. He won't let go of it....and this, in turn, leads to reverse racism and reverse discrimination.....and people who should never be targetted become new targets.
For New York City, I see pretty much *no* racism against African Americans from white people. Everyone goes an extra mile to make sure of this. As a matter of fact, most of the white people in New York are only 2nd - 4th generation and weren't around at times when there was racism (and if they were, a lot of them were in the tenemants and considered on the same level as the African, although it was around, they didn't participate).
HOWEVER, I've seen groups of 4-5 African American or Hispanic kids beat up on one white kid walking by himself down the street. They surround him and think it's cool that they're targetting a white person who's never done A THING to them in their entire lives...someone who has no chance against 5 bigger people. It's disgusting. And this is not something entirely rare.
I've stood on line in a store and had someone come up behind me and start screaming at the clerk for being racist because they served me first, claiming it's because I'm white and she was hispanic...even though I had been standing there long before the hispanic lady came up behind me. And what's worse is that then, this lady started insulting the nationality of the guy behind the counter and telling him to go back to his own country. I mean, wtf? HOw can you claim to be against racism while spouting racist remarks?
And as someone else sort of's become almost politically incorrect to be a white male. There are a few tough guy shows out there but for the most part, 90% of sitcoms and popular television features a bunch of dumb white guys who can't do shit for themselves. Usually the women in that show have their crap together, are smarter, more capable, etc. Either that or the males are gay. Don't get my wrong, there's nothing wrong with being just seems like a lot of people only want to see the anti-man (the gay man that's into fashion and shoes and sometimes acts very femenine).
I mean...I doubt any of this will change any time soon, which is sad. But I think people need to choose their battles. Once the other side surrenders, you're not supposed to keep fighting.