we've just become so involved in sociecty and technogely, that we've simply forgoten what its like to be 'human' if you will.... a human with well 'free will' true we'd like to think we have free will and what not but think about how much of our lives are controlled by the media, politics, and major corporations. I mean many of these things have "frame-worked" us into believing what they want us to believe.. think about it..
and as far as technogly "taking over the world" i see it as a major possibility but that doens't mean that im gonna not embrace it i mean look at all the good things that technogly has brought our way. We need to keep using it and creating it just with tastefull discression..,.. but i have a feeling thta im just rambling really so ill stop
thats just my 2 cents
Zero Cool
stay sexy