That is bad and im glad they talked some sense into your army freinds. I think though it should have been made clear that everyone should side on having this 26 year old leave after the first incident with H12 (?) Its not acceptable behavoir and collectivly, im sure you could have thrown him out.
That being said, a couple months ago I was at a big kegger. We had three kegs going. After two were tapped the house needed another $50.00 to break even so everyone pooled their money and came up with the $50.00. Their were cheers as someone went to the bathroom to get the third keg from the bathroom tub (filled with ice) and to our suprise it was gone. A few people their were invited by Rob. Rob's buddies went into the bathroom and pushed the keg out the second story window and had someone stand on a picknik table below to grab it. These people were such assholes that despite, drinking as much as they could possiblity want from three kegs for 10 CDN they had to steal the keg and ruin the party on principle. I have a hard time beliving that some people are just that unkind.