Okay, time for some constructive criticism.
Needs a little bit straightening up, also it looks like the compression/resizing played havoc on the horzontal lines of the 'barrels'. There seems to be also a lot of moiré on almost all of the barrels. I also think that this picture could have more impact if it was symmetric.
Front is out of focus, ruining the picture. When shooting landscapes, you should stop down your aperture to a reasonable level and usually put the focus on 1/3rd from the bottom to horizon and then re-compose. There's also a cob(?) on the left side which is completely unnecessary element in the picture.
Horizont is tilted, giving the feeling that the houses are 'sliding' out of the picture. Very unnatural. You can easily straighten your horizont with image editing programs.
Easily the best photograph of this set. Well done. I like the composition, the feeling of peace flowing from the picture. The only things that need fixing are the right side and the placement of the horizont. On the right, the house 'joins' with the edge of the picture which should be avoided. Horizont in this picture should also be somewhere else than on the middle. Generally it's encouraged to make a decision between the ground and the sky, which one is more interesting and then using that as the major element. Exposure seems to be also somewhat off (over).
Another succesful shot. The front is in focus and the horizont is only little bit tilted. Just fix the tilt and the exposure and this will be a very satisfying shot.
Repetition of the last one, this time correctly exposed (see how the yellows have the necessary depth and sky is not burned out. E.g. there's a lot more detail in there). I'm not sure about the inclusion of the forest on the right, it distracts the viewer from the field which is absolutelly the main element of the photograph and deserves attention.
I route, therefore you exist