Do caffienated drinks really dehydrate?
I keep hearing that, when exercising or otherwise really thirsty, one should stay away from caffienated beverages because caffiene is a diuretic and will only cause further dehydration.
This can't be true, can it? I mean, there are people walking among us who don't even drink water. There are people who only drink soda and coffee. Yet those people manage to live. If drinking caffienated beverages caused dehydration, whole IT departments would be turning to dust before our eyes.
Imagine that my hypothetical twin brother and I are stuck on a desert island with nothing to drink but Mountain Dew. I contend that if he drinks nothing, and I drink the "dehydrating" Mountain Dew, he will die first. Then I will dine on his delicious corpse and wash it down with more of that glorious, green goodness.
What say you?
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain