Equality is a somewhat meaningless term on its face. To strive for equality means to move against the natural order of how humans tend to interract with each other. All people aren't equal. We have different talents, skills, ways of thinking, start positions in life, etc. To strive for equality, in my view, means to give everyone the same opportunities to have success in society (whatever success in society means). Equal access to goods, jobs, training and education, and - ideally - an equal starting place in life. We are far from equal.
Individuality means that the individual comes before the community in some shape or form. This is not necessarily bad, because I think that absolute conformity is, at the least, boring... and at its worst, completely empty. True individuality does not exist because our environment shapes us. The trouble with individuality comes with the destruction of the community or institutionalized barriers created to allow a few people to have power over many people in ways that do not benefit the whole. Individualism can be an excuse not to care about others, and possibly in an ultimate sense, the self.