Originally posted by matthew330
...what comes around goes around whocarz. though i still don't understand how reacting to what someone says is "denying thier rights." If their rights were denied - i wouldn't have the oppurtunity to react would i?
You can react, but it should not be in a bullying, degrading way.
As for I have stated I will boycott a company for business practices but I will not boycott a company for their spokesperson's political views. To me that is censorship. I just believe everyone has the right to their political views and stances and so long as they respect mine as I respect theirs, they can say whatever they want.
In all honesty, I am more likely to boycott a company that practices censorship by firing it's spokesperson for their outside political views. So if I needed Slim Fast, I would be more likely to choose a competitor than them because they fired Whoopie for her views.
If it happened to Limbaugh I'd do the same.
I am not a sheep I can think for myself and determine my own beliefs through education, my morals and how I feel.
Following this boycott idea, I don't agree with some of the far right wingers on a politics board I visit, should I find out where they work and protest and boycott the companies they work at because of that?
My chiropractor is a very outspoken religious right wing person, sometimes his political views raise my ire, BUT he is the best in the area at what he does and I pay for his service not his opinions.