Thread: darfur
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Old 07-24-2004, 03:10 AM   #13 (permalink)
Originally posted by theusername
I strongly disagree with your point Roachboy.

To blame the Bush administration for not acting in Sudan is absolutely ridiculous! Bush has been ridiculed for acting in Iraq without the UN and a "coalition." First of all our military is spread thin, we can't go into the Sudan alone. Now Bush has left it up to the UN and the rest of the world, they sit back and they do nothing. To blame the Bush administration for this is laughable at the least.

There's no doubt in my mind that genocide is taking place and the entire world should take action. I know the US would do our part but we can't take the lead on this one, we already have our work cut out for us in Iraq.
Look, all the Bush administration needs to do is call it a "genocide" which would invoke the 1948 U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and get the balls rolling in the Security Counsel. This could then be an international effort which need not be lead by us. People have every right to blame Bush until he stops stonewalling this process.

Congress approved resolutions late Thursday declaring that atrocities unfolding in Darfur are genocide, and urged the Bush administration to do the same.

Passed unanimously in the House and Senate, the measures urged President George W. Bush to call the situation in Sudan "by its rightful name" and urge his administration work with the international community to stop it.

This is exactly what happened with Rwanda during the Clinton administration when they refused to call it "genocide" even when they privately knew it to be the case and nearly a million people were subsequently slaughtered.

Last edited by hammer4all; 07-24-2004 at 03:12 AM..
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