Originally posted by merkerguitars
I've been carded for spray paint too...it's sad what kids will do to get a cheap high....
It's vandalism, not intoxication, that they're worried about.
Originally posted by Polyphobic
Or maybe we are more responsible after 18? Somehow, I highly doubt that.
Next they will start carding to buy TP. Just to make sure you aren't going to TP someone's house.
No, it's just harder for someone to sue for wrongful death after the kid is a legal adult
Originally posted by bodymassage3
I've heard of people getting high by inhaling the gas in Whipped-cream cans. I wonder how long it'll be until you're carded for those?
It's only a matter of time. I mean, I'm not completely innocent, but we really need to lighten up.
Originally posted by maleficent
Listerine also has a pretty high alcohol content, if you can get past the taste of it, you could get pretty wasted pretty quickly, and your breath would be minty fresh...
Have fun going blind.