Wow, i didnt know people made such a big deal over this, id probably be that guy heh, when i into a cinema, im all bout findin the best seat to watch the film, i couldnt give a toss if its next to someone or on my own. Unless im with a mate then try and get enough seats in a row so if its crap we can bail, talk during the ads etc. If you had such a big deal w/ it jus talk to the guy, not like hes gonna jump you for talkin to him. It was slightly wierd that he didnt immediatly sit next to you, but maybe the social stigma got him, and had to pluck up the courage to break it? who knows

I do like people who seem to have this wierd desire to sit w/ one chair inbetween each other though, means i can usually get the best seat if i go in own me own even if its pretty crowded.