I'm similar to whocarz. On airplanes, if I don't pass-out immediately, I'll say hello to the person next to me, and if they have something to talk about (usually the book either of us brought on the plane), then go with that, when the conversation starts dying off, I'll say "K, I'm gonna try and passout".
I'm more of the type where uncomfortable silences get to me, and I'm horrible at ending conversations without coming across as an inconsiderate jerk (especially at parties), if I'm at a social event where no one I know is there I get real uncomfortable. I'll go find where the alcohol is, and drink, see if anyone has interest in talking, if not, make a round around the place, go back for another drink, if I don't find someone to talk to by then, I bail.
I'm much more comfortable with a one-v-one conversation with a stranger, or a stranger and their one friend, but when you get groups of people who know each other, and their nice cliques forming, I'd rather just get my drinks, and go find someone I sort of know, or some stranger to talk to.
Funny thing, I feel more comfortable after I make a jackass out of my self (trip over myself, or something that would usually embarrass most people) and people laugh (even if it's a "we're-laughing-at-you laugh). Guess it's an ice-breaker and I don't feel I have to put up a perfect-facade.