fav web sites
so i was wondering about sites that people go to read regularly (generally everday). maybe you could post a webiste no one has metnioned yet and why u think it is so good....put them under broad categories..
Nothing but the best right here. Love TFP.
Tech News
Slashdot - generally the most comprehensive and the largest amount of tech news -- just about anythign and everything you need to know.
ArsTechnica - its like a neater cleaned up version of slashdot with more focus on specific (a.k.a less in number) areas of tech news, gaming, governement regulations on technology, and corportate news.
Sports -
ESPN - for all sports an American will be concerned with. Tons and tons of op/ed stuff.
BBC Sport - more world sports oriented.
CricInfo - (being an indian, i jsut can't get by without my cricket news. this one is the best, with text-based running live commentary of all matches )
Op/Ed sites -
Slate - has a lot of op/ed stuff on just about everything, though they focus mostly on politics, media (books, tv, movies), and dabble in other categories.
Online Comics-
Sinfest - Greatest online comic ever!!
Crippling Depression - for people who went to crazy ass universities with shitloads of work, and not enuf women
Manga -
Manganews.net - they list pretty much every chapter released by every group, but they dont list licensed manga
Animesuki.com - same as manganews.net, but they do it for anime
That's about all i generally visit regularly. Hope this wasn't too boring.