i avoided those parts because i disagree with every one of them - so from my perspective, the point is mute. In order to argue that i would have to argue each point you made - which is a total of 5 threads and a whole lot of effort.
The idea that you, as a host of a performer, are not only subject to whatever this performer decides to do on a whim, but are obligated to continue to invite them back - is repellent. I don't believe you believe that. Objectivity is not the issue. All that matters is whether or not one person thinks they suck, in the case the hotel manager (or whoever booked her). And i promise you, he's not basing his opinion on her performance, he's basing it on the reaction of the crowd.
I'm assuming you think it's a bad example because it's well known Madonna is a raving liberal, so her playing Limbaugh would obviously be done in jest. To keep this a little less wordy, that doesn't make this a bad example, but i think you know what i was getting at, so let your imagination run wild - think up a better one. Shit, Madonna's tickets can run upwards of a grand a piece, bet your ass those people would be pissed if she wasted their time with Limbaugh. As a consumer, they have every right to "expect" a certain performance for what their paying for.
Why is it so difficult to understand - noone infringed on her right to speak her mind. It was inappropriate considering the time and place, but she did it. And people reacted. You expect them to sit there and take that shit. Their somehow "delicate" if they leave. it's frustrating as hell to have someone yell something at you that you disagree with on every level, and not being in a venue where you can respond. In fact the only response available to them was to walk out.
So much for keeping it less wordy