Thanks for all the comments. I'll try to take some more pictures the next time I'm through the province in a month or so. The scene will be very different then near harvest.
Originally posted by CoachAlan
By the way, what is being raised in the second pic (purple flowers)?
Pretty sure it's a crop called Flax. Looks pretty cool driving down a straight as hell gravel road. The picture doesn't really capture the full effect of color unfortunately.
Originally posted by flyman
very cool pic....
thanks, those bins are what the company I work for manufactures. They don't really make interesting subjects so it's hard to get cool shots of them.
Originally posted by ultra_agent9
Wow. Such a simple yet beautiful landscape up there. Nice shots sherpahigh!
Business trip? Doesn't look like you have a boring desk job...
Not really a boring desk job. I 'get' to travel through Sask. and to other places we sell bins about once every couple of months. The job has taken me to Denmark, Sweden and Australia. New Zealand's on the list this fall.
Originally posted by the_marq
Nice pics sherpahigh, you have captured the land of my youth quite well. Where exactly were you in Sask?
I was all over Sask on that trip. Started out down South through Assiniboia, Weyburn a few smaller towns up to Regina, Southey, Indian Head, Yorkton then up to Saskatoon, Wilkie and Kindersley before heading home.
I really wish I took the time to get some pictures of the Qu'Appelle valley. There's some beautiful stuff around there. Next time I suppose.