It doesn't really matter that the leadership of AQ was in Afganistan. Terrorist orginazations are orginized into cells that can opperate on their own if the command structure is destroyed. Every cell is dangerous and every cell must be hunted. Even if there was only one cell opperaiting in Iraq, and I think its safe to say there was at least one. That one cell is a real enough threat that if the goverment will not alow us to conduct an investigation that government must be removed.
I think it is also important to recognize that the pressident acted on information he thought to be correct. Even the damn Russians came to us and said Iraq is planing attacks against the United States. Try and dig way deep all the way past all the partisian stuff, and ask yourself if your top analists as well as your friend's top analists are telling you there is a threat and that hundreds, thousands, mabie even hundreds of thousands of people may die if you do nothing. What call do you make? I bet if you let yourself fogget your political leanings just for a little while, your coclusion would be invade.
I agree with you 150% on the port security. More could most deffinatly be done.