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Old 07-22-2004, 07:00 PM   #25 (permalink)
anti fishstick:

I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from.
Okay, here it is, my truth:
there is no right and wrong. we are all here as equals with differences. That's what makes us "human". Yet, the equality of who we truly are is much grander than our differences. Many tend to focus on the differences so much that we lose sight of how we are the same.
No, "morals" are not inherited, it is a choice to accept the morals we encounter and observe of others as our own. But no two people will agree 100% on "morals". "morals" in parenthases meaning human-created ideas of how things "should be" or "right"/"wrong". All of these judgements that we defend as morals are weakening society- the world.
We all make the choice of our beliefs, yet where do most people get their influence from (I said most)? family, friends, religious congregation, observation of others. That doesn't mean it's wrong, that means that they are choosing what works for them. But people change their beliefs. I have- we all do. There's no such thing as force or inheritance in what you believe, it's all a choice- although some people in the world don't know otherwise, they think it's the only way, although they know deep down that it's not.
How do we grow and evolve, you ask? Simple, live. observe. choose. and live.......there's no set rules, commandments, or path you HAVE to follow.
My question for you is: why do we have to decide whether something is good or bad? If we, as individuals, choose to observe something from an outside standpoint without judgement, we can simply ask "does this work for me?"- if not, we will acknowledge it and move on. If it does, we make it a part of our life, a part of who we are. Both ways, we've discovered and defined more of who we are- growing and evolving.
If people saw that judging something or someone and denouncing it/defending against it/etc. is not working, never has- do they really think it will ever work?
Judgement gets us nowhere and slows down the evolution process of our species. If we can't see that what we are doing now (judging/hating/seperating/etc) isn't working, the species will never get along and live a life in peace and harmony.
What do you want?

It isn't about proving to others that you're right, and esp. that they're wrong - it is about creating dialog and gaining perspectives that you couldn't indepentently which will give you a broader base of ideas to choose for yourself what to believe.
I fully agree.

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