I love this game, I don't mind the passing system, mainly because I'm an old school type who creams his pants over awesome option plays and bone-crushing blocks that result in big run gains by the fullback for crying out loud. Anyways, enough of the joking around; yeah, the bullet passes that get dropped annoy the hell out of me some times, but I just found my go-to-receiver who can catch anything even if he had one arm cut off, so it's become less annoying. The crowd factor is great, because it's awesome to crush another team and see the fans look at each other and say, "Dude, this sucks ass, let's bail." Anyways, I think it's great.
"This ain't no Ice Cream Social!"
"Hey Grif, Chupathingy...how bout that? I like it...got a ring to it."
"I have no earthly idea what it is I just saw, or what this place is, or where in the hell O'Malley is! My only choice is to blame Grif for coming up with such a flawed plan. Stupid, stupid Grif."