I have played a few games online only against people I know cause of all the cheating little pussies out there. But something that is nerving me a little bit is the fact that after getting ready to stomp a mud hole in my friends ass with 30 seconds left in the game and up 28-7 AT HIS HOME FIELD, I hopped up out of the chair to grab the phone only to knock the controller plug out, I promptly plug it back in only to tell me that I have been removed from the game for too many plug pulls!!!
WTF!!! is that all about? I know this eliminates cheating but I honestly knocked it out getting up to get to the phone, he said he has had the same thing happen to him his kids yanked out the headset while playing someone and it booted him too. This is a crock I mean one unplug with 30 seconds left and a 20+ point lead I seriously doubt I was trying to cheat someone.
I usually play the same game for a couple years because really all you get is newer players etc, nothing really huge changes from year to yer they re-vamp a ton every other year it seems. I have to say having not played an NCAA game the last few years this one is pretty cool. The cutting ability needs some work, I do not like how they throw down the hand to sort of pivot and turn on, they seem to be running around a cone or something instead of making a sharp cut to run in another direction. Gameplay seems solid and lots of options I would say a MUST BUY for any college football fan
Spank you very much
Last edited by MontanaXVI; 07-22-2004 at 04:13 PM..