There is something wrong with our society
Let me start by saying that I am not the type of person that will dwell on issues, until they make me crazy. There are so many problems with our society as a "whole", that you can't help but stop and gaze in disbelief.
I am in the generation as most will refer to as "X". This is the unfortunate placement between the "babyboomers" and the "techno" profiles. As I look around, I see so much hostility and anger in so many people. I am not talking about issues such as the "middle east", that is a whole different subject. I am talking about just every day ordinary people that we are forced to deal with on a daily basis.
First and foremost, the corporations ARE taking over the world. Companies such as Wal-Mart and Microsoft, control more of our intrests than you might think. I feel bad that my kids will never be able to appreciate the finer qualities of a "mom and pop" corner store. They will never smell the inside of a butcher's shop or a real candy store with the old wooden floors and soda fountains. The minute Evil-Mart comes into town, they force all the other shops to close. It makes me wonder how stupid our society has become, to run to the new center and pay two dollars less for something that they will have to return in a few days anyways, due to the fact, that it is junk. I hear people complain about the poor quality of Evil-Mart and the less than standard customer service, but yet, the next day, they return for more crap. It doesn't make sense??? I try to understand the theroy of economics and the supply and demand equations, but still it doesn't ring clear.
The "babyboomers" are in control at this moment. They have been allowing these companies to dismantle our industry and have created foreign policies, such as NAFTA, to only benfit themselves. There is no "insight" on repercussions, because frankly, they don't give a shit. They will dump the shit barrel over to the rest of us, and I doubt we will be able to repair much of the damage. Not to mention, they are greety and control freaks. If they don't have something go just there way, they blow a fuse. I have seen more temper tantrums from 50 year olds than I have 3 year olds. It strikes me as "spoiled" and that is how they deal with issues. To proove my point, If any of you ever get the chance to watch our Senate of Congess in action, you will see what I mean. Also, try this out...... challange one of these people on one of their issues, such as "politics" If you ask the right question, you will watch the tantrum begin. They hate the thought of someone questioning thier reasoning. It a joke.
Lastly, where did the compassion go? What ever happened to "wave to your neighbor" or "help to fix a flat tire on the expressway". We have backed ourselves into a corner on this one. The media has us so terrified of each other, that we believe at any minute, we will be shot, raped, beat or killed. We sit in front of that idiot box and allow the marketing and news folks, tell us how to live and what to buy. Our sense of "free thinking" has disappeared.
I look in my childrens eyes, their glowing faces and sparkeling eyes, with shame. I feel bad for what they will endure when my generation is too old to help. Of course they will blame us for the turmoil, but that will just be the cause and effect working it's way through the universe.
There are so many other issues, but not enough space to cover them all. Healthcare Costs (what a joke), Insurance Companies (same thing), Theft from us by the Oil Mongers (yup I said it) and poor politics (nothing new). It makes me sick to think that we sit here and do nothing. The biggest scam yet? The American Physicians Association in conjunction with the Pharmicudicals.
Don't eat eggs....oh wait....go ahead and eat eggs. Here....load up on these drugs to fight colesterol and heart disease. Make sure you take them everday, until your either dead or broke.
The one that through me into a rage was when I took my son to the doctor for a sore throat. This unpretensious Ped Doctor had the gall to ask me......if I had any firearms in the house.........WHAT? What does that have to do with his throat??? Wow........I can only watch with awe!
This is just one man's opinion......
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Yippie Ki Ya...