Originally posted by cheeterbo
here are some numbers:
cpu: xbox 733mhz; ps2 300mhz; gc 405 mhz
graphics processor: xbox 300 mhz; ps2 150 mhz; gc 202.5 mhz
total memory: xbox 64mb; ps2 38mb; gc 43mb
memory bandwidth: xbox 6.4gb/sec; ps2 3.2gb/sec; gc 3.2gb/sec
polygon performance: xbox 150M/sec; ps2 66M/sec; gc 6-12Msec
audio channels: xbox 256; ps2 48; gc 64
I do realize these numbers are important for many people, but I would never EVER let those numbers determine what system I would buy. If all you care about is great looking games, you are definately not one to give gaming advice.
plus, xbox has an internal hard drive.
yes, that is a very nice feature. Something I wish many other systems would have done, but because it is so easily exploitable, I wouldn't be surprised if the trend never catches on. Oh well.
basically, xbox kicks the everliving shit out of both the other consoles in every category, except number of games. but why play shitty looking games when you can play gorgeous ones on the xbox.
hmm, you sound like a microsoft sales associate there. Any real gamer will tell you that GRAPHICS DO NOT MAKE THE GAME!!!! Half the games on xbox are beautiful pieces of shit. To be honest, if I had to pick one console for the rest of my life, it would be snes. It had the best games period. Sure it's cool to see how awesome a game looks, but if I don't feel like playing it anymore after 40 hours, it ain't shit.
then you can buy a used xbox, and mod it for under $150, and they rock. there hasn't been a game i can't load and play on it. i have over 50 games and still have room for more!
Yeah, how many of those games do you play and enjoy playing for hours on end. Just because it's conveniant, doesn't mean it's great.
those piddlyshit ps2 things blow chunks. playing any game on them sucks after you play xbox.
again, graphics don't make the game. After playing games on xbox, I like to go back to systems where game developers knew how to make a great game. I don't play games to look at them. I play them for challenge and story.
however, i would wait until next gen xbox comes out. it will have a 3 -3.5 core in it.
yeah, it will also have more beautiful crap to come along with it. In all actuality, microsoft does seem to be learning quickly about what games are good, what games are bad. The next xbox will certainly have more good games than the first in it's initial year. Just because it will have a fast processor is about the worst reason to buy it though.
Originally posted by Dwayne
I dont like the GameCube because it has the worst controller of all 3 and its more geared toward little kids.
I'd say it's more geared toward gamers who are comfortable with their gaming maturity (yes, it's the gaming parallel of being comfortable with your sexuality
). I have more fun playing some gamecube games than any games on xbox and the vast majority of games on ps2. Just because it looks kiddy doesn't mean it's not a good game.
I like to consider myself one of the rare gamers. I've been playing since I was 4 on my older brother's odyssey2 (yes, that's right, odyssey2). I've played enough of every system since then to have a good idea what's good and what's not. The biggest thing I've learned over the years...I've said it several times...graphics do not make the game. IMHO, snes has the largest amount of the absolutely great games with the lasting appeal that counts.
Now, to answer the original question. I wouldn't buy anything unless you're desperate for a system right now, or unless you can get it cheap. Don't buy a used ps2 because of the whole bad laser thing. Personally, I would just wait and save for the next systems. I won't offer any advice as to which of those to buy, but make the games the priority, not the console.