I would approach this by trying to understand why this person is so upset. There is a reason that the person is there... she feels very strongly that a major injustice has taken place and is taking place. The typical response I'm seeing in this thread is that this woman way out of line, which I'm not inclined to agree with. I am inclined to say, however, that she is being ineffective and possibly even do more damage than good.
I find it unlikely that the motivation of this person is simply blind partisan politics. She probably has a deep emotional attachment to the event, and in doing some research has felt that our government has seriously let us down. Either that, or she's uneducated and really hurting her cause. I find that getting offended at someone like her does no good. I don't get offended at those people who tell everyone that they're going to hell, stand outside of Planned Parenthood calling those who work there murderers, and other protests with things I really disagree with. I just try to understand it, and leave it at that. As long as my personal civil rights aren't being violated, then I'm ok.