Look, the 9/11 comission, the two UN comissions, and even Putin's intelligence all agreed that the information all pointed at WMD's. Bush didnt lie, the information that everyone used was wrong. He did what he, and everyone else thought was right to do against an immanent threat.
Now Superbelt we have differing views on how to protect America, the passive and the pro-active. You want to protect America by stepping up the borders and shipyards. I want to protect America by denying them save harbor.
Why? There is no way we can keep the America we have and protect our borders to the extent we need to ensure nothing gets accross. Searching every container of every ship would cost trillions, and slow down trade to a stand still. This would in turn kill our economy.
So we stop the terrorists from their government support. It worked in Afghanistan (largest terrrorist supporter). Iraq DID support terrorists, Islamic Jihad/Mujahadinn/Hamas/etc. Libya did support them now are trying to be buddy buddy with us cause they're shaking in their boots. Saudi Arabia is cutting down now on terrorists, not the gestures of the past I believe, and it will show when their animity offer runs out.
Syria you are correct that they havent supported Terrorists since the Black September episode.